For women Kisekae training game to foster the "ideal of him".nCarre creation app it gave me God "star he Days"! !
”理想のカレ”を育てる女性向け着せ替え育成ゲーム。それが、神様がくれたカレ創造アプリ「星彼Days」!服装、髪型、性格や声も自分好みに。Live2Dで動くモーション付き衣装を着せれば、より表情豊かになったカレと一緒に暮らすことができます!****ゲーム紹介****流れ星と共にあなたの携帯にやってきた「ホシカレ」を、あなた好みに育て上げる女性向け着せ替え育成ゲームです。性格、服装、髪型、ボイスなど、様々な要素を組み合わせて理想のカレを創りましょう!****ゲームの特徴****カレの見た目はもちろん、性格や声もあなたの自由自在!やんちゃなカレと楽しくショッピング!俺様なカレとの強引デート…甘えん坊なカレとお家でまったりあなたの育て方次第で様々なカレを愉しめます。また、ふれあいをしてカレをきゅんきゅんさせると…特別な”星きゅんモード”が発動!カレがあなたにきゅんきゅんした回数によって、特別なストーリーも発生。計13名の豪華声優陣による甘いボイスを堪能しましょう!性格によってボイスの雰囲気も変わるので、あの声優さんの意外な演技も聴くことができるかも…!?◆◇◆あなたのカレの声を担当する豪華声優陣!◆◇◆柿原徹也さん、木村良平さん、佐藤拓也さん、梶裕貴さん、代永翼さん、森久保祥太郎さん、鳥海浩輔さん、下野紘さん、寺島拓篤さん、 平川大輔さん、岡本信彦さん、興津和幸さん、緑川光さんそのほかにも、他のホシカレと交流したり、コーディネートの腕を競ったり…あなたに合ったスタイルで遊ぶことができます!****遊び方****■カレを好みに『キセカエ』ちゃおう!学生服、パンキッシュ、スーツ、ファンタジー衣装、和服など、豊富な種類の衣装やアクセで素敵なカレに大変身させましょう!さらに顔や髪、身長…そしてボイスも変えられるので、あなたの心のなかにいる理想のカレを再現することができます。Live2Dで動くMR衣装を着せてあげれば、感情表現が豊かになり、よりかっこよく、可愛くなってあなたを出迎えます。■カレと2人で『おでかけ』しよう!あなたとホシカレの2人でおでかけを繰り返して、カレの「個性」もあなた色に染めましょう!カレの性格はおでかけに行った場所によって変わっていきます。ツンデレ・俺様・甘えん坊…ホシカレをどんな性格に育てるかはあなた次第!■カレと『ふれあい』、お互いにきゅんきゅんしよう!あなたがカレとたくさんふれあえば、カレはその愛情に応えてくれます。好感度を上げて親密になれば、あなたに優しくしてくれたり、甘えてくることも。ホシカレの様々な一面を見てみましょう。何もかもがまっさらなカレを、服装や髪型だけでなく身長や声・性格まで、あなた好みにキセカエてあなただけの理想の彼氏を創りあげてください!****こんな方にオススメ****・イケメンと恋愛したい方・理想の彼氏が欲しい方・自分好みのキャラを作りたい方・着せ替え育成ゲームが好きな方・女性向けアニメやゲームが好きな方・恋愛ゲームや乙女ゲームが好きな方・声優さんの声を楽しみたい方・母性本能をくすぐられたい方◆「星彼Days」公式サイト◆「星彼Days」公式Twitter dress-up training game to nurture the "ideal of him". It is, God gave me boyfriend creative application "star he Days"!Dress, hairstyle, personality and voice to their liking.If Kisere a motion with costumes running in Live2D, you can live with him became more expressive!**** game introduction ****The "Hoshikare" who came to your mobile phone along with the shooting star, is for women dress-up training game to raise to your liking.Personality, clothing, hairstyles, such as voice, lets create the ideal of his a combination of various elements!Features **** of **** gameCalais appearance, of course, personality and voice also your freedom!Naughty he and fun shopping!Pushy date with me like a boyfriend ...Chillin in spoiled a boyfriend and a houseYour upbringing Masu fun Me a variety of him in as soon as.In addition, when to tighter and tighter him a petting ... special "star particulate N mode" is activated!By the number of times it has been tighter and tighter to you, also generate special story.Lets enjoy the sweet voice by gorgeous actors of a total of 13 people!It will also change the voice of the atmosphere by nature, be able to listen also surprising performance of that voice actor ... !?◆ ◇ ◆ gorgeous actors in charge of the voice of your boyfriend! ◆ ◇ ◆Tetsuya Kakihara, Ryohei Kimura, Takuya Sato, Mr. Yuki Kaji, DaiEiTsubasas, Morikubo Shotaros, Toriumi Kosuke-san, Hiroshi Shimono, Takuma Terashima-san, Daisuke Hirakawa, Nobuhiko Okamoto, Kazuyuki Okitsu, Hikaru MidorikawasBesides that, you can interact with other Hoshikare, or competed the arm of coordination ...You can play with you to match style!****how to play****■ Let Chao "Kisekae" him to the taste!School uniforms, punky, suit, fantasy costumes, such as the kimono, lets makeover a nice boyfriend in a wide variety of costumes and access!Furthermore, face and hair, height ... and because the voice can also be changed, it is possible to reproduce the ideal of his who is within your heart.Will be rewarded dress the MR costumes running in Live2D, emotional expression becomes rich, more cool, it will greet you is cute.■ He and trying to "go out" in two people!Repeat reached in two of you and Hoshikare, "personality" of Calais also let dyed to your color!His character is will change depending on where you went to go out.Tsundere-I-like-spoiled ... as soon as you or raise to any personality the Hoshikare!■ he and "Friendship", trying to tighter and tighter to each other!If Fureae you he and a lot, it makes in response to that love.If to intimate to raise the favorability, or me gently to you, come spoiled it.Lets take a look at a variety of one side of Hoshikare.Everything is a waiting further a boyfriend, until the stature and voice, personality as well as clothing, hair styles, please give create a boyfriend of your own ideal Te Kisekae to your liking!**** Recommended for those who like ****- handsome and those who want to love- The direction the ideal boyfriend want· If you want to make your favorite characters- dress-up training more games like- it is like for women animation and games- love games and maiden game it is like· If you want to enjoy the voice of the voice actors- maternal instinct to those who want to be tickled◆ "star he Days" official site◆ "star he Days" official Twitter星彼Daysをご利用頂きありがとうございます。今回のアップデート内容をご案内いたします。・各種調整
i Seriously hope you guys make this in English soon :)
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